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a bit of history...


In an era where Father is taking the Church out from earth based restraints and into a heavenly dimension of function and manifestation, He is restoring a greater place of intimacy and experience of the realm of Eternity and Heavenly dimensions.

This is revealing our Sonship, Priesthood and Kingship in the new creation as the One New Man in Christ in a whole new way re-looking at the way we do things and what we are to walk in and bring forth into all creation.


This movement stems from a  hunger for Yeshua and Heaven based realities and the fullness thereof. To know our Creator and His Ways with the mandate to bring the fullness of the Gospel of immortality, for the revealing of Christ and the manifested Sons of YHVH into all the Earth.


This move of God grew steadily in the form of a church for many generations,

until a time came when everything, including its form, was re-evaluated.

In 1988 a revival hit, through Graham & Margaret Cook, at that time was called Hosanna Christian Centre.

They ran into the move of refreshing which took us into the restoration of the Glory, 

and around  the year 2000 a reformation began.


In 2003 Leon and Rowan Kelly, sons in the movement, were commissioned  by the current

Fathers of the movement to lead Hosanna Christian Centre. And in 2005  another significant visitation

took place that caused a baptism of the Fire God in another degree.

 This opened up a journey into the seven Spirits of God growing us in the Habitation of YHVH

as Sons of God, Rom 8:19. 


Directed by Holy Spirit in 2007 they closed the doors to 

the old order and a new platform was released.

By faith they entered into this and have seen the establishment of a platform seated in

Heavenly based Sonship,

and continued to build and grow bringing in another dimension into the Earth. 

Leon & Rowan, as GloryFire, continued the work of surrender in the GloryFires of God ,

going through many changes that has lead to where we are now.


In 2017 the movement came into another governmental shift in which the name was changed to Arc Matrix. 


now in a new name...


The name Arc came out of another visitation in early 2017 in a sonship gathering with the Tribe.

It was a massive time and over night the government of Christ intensified dramatically

which caused another shift and wave of fire to realign 

and bring us into a greater manifestation of the government of Heaven in

our Priesthood and Kingship, Rev 5:10.


We see a Tribe of Sons continue to emerge increasing in the Divine Nature of who

Yeshua is - a tribe of sons, priests & kings as the One New Man. Growing in the order of Melchizedek.

The Eternal Order of the Messiah Yeshua.




 Our passion is Him and our absolute love of ALL that He is.

Our pursuit is to be known by Him that we would become as He is.

We have tested and experimented with the status quo. Always pursuing the reality of the Word of YHVH,

the reality of His Ways and Kingdom, and the reality of Eternity now.

We are pursuing to live from the place of His Glory transfigured into His image.


Going beyond what we already think we know,

knowing Him in His fullness and becoming as He is now.




Father has released us though our sonship priesthood and kingship with a kingly apostolic and

priestly prophetic mandate to the Nations and all Creation. â€‹

  • To Preach the eternal gospel of Christ

  • To reach out to all people groups.

  • To become a habitation of YHVH,

  • To build in the Nations from the Eternal Realm a global likeness of Yeshua




Leon and Rowan Kelly along with their Team spear head this.

As well as this website you can check out our Arc Online Facebook page, Instagram & Youtube channel 'Arc Online'. 

 for more details and our activities.





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